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What Is the Difference Between Free Let’s Encrypt SSL and a Paid SSL Certificate?

In this tutorial, we'll explore the differences between a free Let’s Encrypt SSL and a Paid SSL Certificate, crucial knowledge in an era where HTTPS is not just a preference but a necessity for

What is the difference between POP3 and IMAP?

When it comes to email protocols, POP3 and IMAP serve as the key methods for accessing email, but they do so in distinctly different ways. Understanding their differences is crucial for deciding whic

How to install WordPress in cPanel

WordPress, renowned for its ease of use and powerful features, is a leading open-source tool for website creation, written in PHP. It is widely recognized as one of the most user-friendly and robust

How to Setup a Domain Redirect in cPanel

Importing an existing WordPress website into the WordPress Toolkit via cPanel is a straightforward process. This is particularly helpful if your WordPress installation isn't automatically recognized

Guide to Importing an Existing WordPress Website into WordPress Toolkit via cPanel

This instructional article provides a straightforward approach to importing an existing WordPress installation using the WordPress Toolkit in cPanel. This is particularly useful if your WordPress sit

How to Perform a Ping Test in Windows, Mac OS, and Linux

In this article, we delve into the functionality of the ping command, an essential tool in network administration, and guide you through conducting a basic ping test across different operating system

Programming: Common Server Script/Binary Locations

The Unix 'which' command is a powerful tool designed to locate the exact path of executables in the system. When you input a command or a set of commands into the Unix shell, 'which' goes to work to

Our Network Status Page

At Hostwek, we believe in keeping our clients informed about the latest happenings and updates. That's why we've streamlined the process of staying up-to-date with our easy-to-use Status Page. Whe

Should I Buy Domain and Hosting Separately or Together?

Domain and hosting represent the two fundamental elements of a website's presence online. The domain is essentially the address people input in their browsers to access a website, akin to a digital s

What Is Domain Redemption Status?

The Onset of Domain Redemption Domain Redemption is a critical phase that is initiated when a Top-Level Domain (TLD) surpasses its expiration date by a period exceeding 30 days. This phase marks the